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Heckman, R., Crowston, K., & Misiolek, N.. (2007). A structurational perspective on leadership in virtual teams (K. Crowston & Seiber, S., Eds.). In Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 8.2/9.5 Working Conference on Virtuality and Virtualization (pp. 151–168).
PDF icon A Structurational Perspective On Leadership.pdf (327.01 KB)
Heckman, R., Crowston, K., & Misiolek, N.. (2007). A structurational perspective on leadership in virtual teams (K. Crowston & Seiber, S., Eds.). In Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 8.2/9.5 Working Conference on Virtuality and Virtualization (pp. 151–168).
PDF icon A Structurational Perspective On Leadership.pdf (327.01 KB)
Crowston, K., & Howison, J.. (2006). Assessing the health of open source communities. Ieee Computer, 39(5), 89-91.
PDF icon Paper.pdf (397.76 KB)
Audio icon ICIS-2006-Kevin-Yeliz-Qing-fixed (26.6 MB)
PDF icon ISKO06abstract.pdf (90.82 KB)
Crowston, K., Rubleske, J., & Howison, J.. (2006). Coordination theory: A ten-year retrospective. In P. Zhang & Galletta, D. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction in Management Information Systems (pp. 120-138). M. E. Sharpe, Inc.
PDF icon CT Review to distribute.pdf (531.4 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., & Howison, J.. (2006). Core and periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source software team communications. In Proceedings of the 39th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-39).
PDF icon CoreAndPeripheryInFreeLibre.pdf (290.75 KB)
Massad, N., Heckman, R., & Crowston, K.. (2006). Customer satisfaction with electronic service encounters. International Journal Of Electronic Commerce, 10(4), 73–104.
PDF icon ijec2006 (275.09 KB)
PDF icon Emergent Decision Making Practices In Technology Supported Self O.pdf (360.42 KB)
Howison, J., Conklin, M. S., & Crowston, K.. (2006). FLOSSmole: A collaborative repository for FLOSS research data and analyses. International Journal Of Information Technology And Web Engineering, 1(3), 17–26.
PDF icon FLOSSmole.pdf (212.33 KB)
Annabi, H., Crowston, K., & Heckman, R.. (2006). From Individual Contribution to Group learning: the Early Years of Apache Web Server. In Proceedings of the IFIP 2nd International Conference on Open Source Software (pp. 77–90). Lake Como, Italy, 8–9 June.
PDF icon From Individual Contribution To Group.pdf (341.85 KB)
PDF icon HierarchyAndCentralization.pdf (566.38 KB)
Crowston, K., Howison, J., & Annabi, H.. (2006). Information systems success in Free and Open Source Software development: Theory and measures. Software Process–Improvement And Practice, 11, 123–148.
PDF icon InformationSystemsSuccessInFree.pdf (1.1 MB)
PDF icon hsd2006poster (69.42 MB)
Li, Q., Crowston, K., Heckman, R., & Howison, J.. (2006). Language and power in self-organizing distributed teams. In OCIS Division, Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the OCIS Division, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
PDF icon LanguageAndPowerInSelf-organizing.pdf (863.7 KB)
Crowston, K., & Scozzi, B.. (2006). The role of mental models in FLOSS development work practices. In Proceedings of the IFIP 2nd International Conference on Open Source Software (pp. 91-97). Lake Como, Italy, 8–9 June.
PDF icon oss2006crowstonscozzi.pdf (160.74 KB)
Howison, J., Inoue, K., & Crowston, K.. (2006). Social dynamics of free and open source team communications. In Proceedings of the IFIP Second International Conference on Open Source Systems (pp. 319-330). Lake Como, Italy, 8-9 June.
PDF icon SocialDynamics.pdf (268.56 KB)
Rubleske, J., Crowston, K., & Kwaśnik, B. H.. (2005). Can Genre Metadata Improve Information Retrieval?. In Connections: The 10th Annual Great Lakes Information Science Conference. Presented at the Connections: The 10th Annual Great Lakes Information Science Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Conklin, M. S., Howison, J., & Crowston, K.. (2005). Collaboration Using OSSmole: A repository of FLOSS data and analyses. In Symposium on Mining Software Repositories. Presented at the Symposium on Mining Software Repositories, St. Louis.
PDF icon CollaborationUsingOSSmole.pdf (60.77 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2005). Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (115.49 KB)PDF icon Slides.pdf (942.29 KB)
Crowston, K., Annabi, H., Howison, J., & Masango, C.. (2005). Effective work practices for FLOSS development: A model and propositions. In Proceedings of the 38th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (141 KB)PDF icon Presentation.pdf (426.61 KB)
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Crowston, K., Howison, J., Masango, C., & Eseryel, Y.. (2005). Face-to-face interactions in self-organizing distributed teams. In Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, HI.
PDF icon FaceToFace Interactions.pdf (4.6 MB)
Crowston, K. (2005). Future research on FLOSS development. First Monday, 10(Special Issue #2: Open Source — 3 October 2005). Retrieved de
Kwaśnik, B. H., & Crowston, K.. (2005). Introduction to the special issue: Genres of digital documents. Information, Technology & People, 18(2), 76–88.
PDF icon itp2005genreintro.pdf (228.87 KB)
