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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
PageProject Description crowston03 years 10 months ago
PageSoCQA: Socio-computational qualitative analysis crowston03 years 10 months ago
BiblioAutomation: A Guide for Policymakers crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioToward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioDoes the Whole Exceed its Parts? The Effect of AI Explanations on Complementary Team Performance crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe Future of Work in Developing Economies crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioNo automation please, we're British: Technology and the prospects for work crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioWhen machines think for us: The consequences for work and place crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioLearning occupational task-shares dynamics for the future of work crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioAI in operations management: applications, challenges and opportunities crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe Future of Work: Meeting the Global Challenge of Demographic Change and Automation crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioToward Trustworthy AI Development: Mechanisms for Supporting Verifiable Claims crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioHow to achieve trustworthy artificial intelligence for health crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioArtificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System: Leading Trends and Possibilities crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioAI-enabled recruiting: What is it and how should a manager use it? crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioMatching the future capabilities of an artificial intelligence-based software for social media marketing with potential users' expectations crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe nature of the Artificially Intelligent Firm - An economic investigation into changes that AI brings to the firm crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe benefits of eHRM and AI for talent acquisition crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioDoes AI qualify for the job? A bidirectional model mapping labour and AI intensities crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioA Cautionary Tale for Machine Learning Design: why we Still Need Human-Assisted Big Data Analysis crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioMachines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioAssessing the Business Impact of Artificial Intelligence crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioReplaced by a Robot: Service Implications in the Age of the Machine crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioImplementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Roadmap for Business Model Innovation crowston03 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe robo-apocalypse plays out in the quality, not in the quantity of work crowston03 years 11 months ago
