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Katzy, B., Sung, G., & Crowston, K.. (2016). Alignment in an inter-organisational network: the case of ARC transistance. European Journal Of Information Systems, 25(6), 553–568.
Crowston, K., & Shamshurin, I.. (2016). Core-Periphery Communication and the Success of Free/Libre Open Source Software Projects. In IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems (45–56).
PDF icon OSS2016.pdf (124.64 KB)
Jackson, C. B., Crowston, K., Mugar, G., & Østerlund, C.. (2016). Encouraging Work in Citizen Science: Experiments in Goal Setting and Anchoring. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW).
PDF icon CSCW-abstract.pdf (423.64 KB)
Østerlund, C., Crowston, K., & Jackson, C.. (2016). The Hermeneutics of Trace Data: Building an Apparatus. In IFIP Working Group 8.2 Working Conference.
PDF icon Crowston_Osterlund_Jackson_Mugar_The_Hermeneutics_of_Trace_Data_IFIP8.2_2016 to distribute.pdf (205.13 KB)
Crowston, K., Chudoba, K. M., Watson-Manheim, M. B., & Rahmati, P.. (2016). Inter-team coordination in large-scale agile development: A test of organizational discontinuity theory. In The Large-Scale Agile Development Workshop, XP Conference.
PDF icon 160225 XP abstract final v2.pdf (278.01 KB)
Allen, A., Aragon, C., Becker, C., Carver, J., Chiş, A., Combemale, B., et al.. (2016). Manifesto on Engineering Academic Software (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16252). In Dagstuhl Manifestos. Wadern, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics.
Bolici, F., Howison, J., & Crowston, K.. (2016). Stigmergic coordination in FLOSS development teams: Integrating explicit and implicit mechanisms. Cognitive Systems Research, 38, 14–22.
PDF icon COGSYS-RS-(HHS)-(2015)-(3).pdf (218.8 KB)
Jackson, C. B., Østerlund, C., Maidel, V., Crowston, K., & Mugar, G.. (2016). Which Way Did They Go? Newcomer Movement through the Zooniverse. In 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
PDF icon CSCW2016-Roles.pdf (1.38 MB)
Niederman, F., Crowston, K., Koch, H., Krcmar, H., Powell, P., & Swanson, B. E.. (2015). Assessing IS research impact. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 36.
Mugar, G., Østerlund, C., Jackson, C., & Crowston, K.. (2015). Being Present in Online Communities: Learning in Citizen Science. In 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies.
PDF icon C&T_2015_FINAL.pdf (432.26 KB)
Jackson, C. B., Østerlund, C., Mugar, G., Crowston, K., & Hassman, K. D. V.. (2015). Motivations for sustained participation in crowdsourcing: The role of talk in a citizen science case study. In Proceedings of the Forty-eighth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48).
PDF icon Motivation in Talk Submitted_FINAL(Formatted).pdf (615.94 KB)
Crowston, K. (2015). Open Source Technology Development. In W. S. Bainbridge & Roco, M. C. (Eds.), Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence.
PDF icon chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-04033-2_29-1.pdf (144.51 KB)
Crowston, K., Specht, A., Hoover, C., Chudoba, K. M., & Watson-Manheim, M. B.. (2015). Perceived Discontinuities and Continuities in Transdisciplinary Scientific Working Groups. Science Of The Total Environment, 534, 159-172 .
PDF icon D1 Discontinuities to distribute.pdf (2.83 MB)
Crowston, K. (2015). “Personas” to Support Development of Cyberinfrastructure for Scientific Data Sharing. Journal Of E-Science Librarianship, 4(2).
PDF icon 150728 DataONEpersonas.pdf (854.96 KB)
PDF icon Paper (333.22 KB)PDF icon Presentation slides (172.89 KB)
Crowston, K., Sawyer, S., & Wigand, R.. (2015). Social Networks and the Success of Market Intermediaries: Evidence from the US Residential Real Estate Industry. The Information Society, 31(5), 361-378.
PDF icon The Role of Market Intermediaries final to distribute.pdf (371.71 KB)
Wiggins, A., & Crowston, K.. (2015). Surveying the citizen science landscape. First Monday, 26(1).
PDF icon Surveying the citizen science landscape.pdf (50.22 KB)
PDF icon CollaborationThroughSuperposition-WorkingPaper.pdf (1.81 MB)
Yan, J. L. S., McCracken, N., & Crowston, K.. (2014). Design of an Active Learning System with Human Correction for Content Analysis. In Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Presented at the Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore, MD.
PDF icon ILLWorkshop.ACLFormat.04.28.14.final_.pdf (259.62 KB)
Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., & Wigand, R.. (2014). Digital assemblages: Evidence and theorizing from the computerization of the U.S. residential real estate industry. New Technology, Work And Employment, 29(1), 40-56.
PDF icon Real_estate_assemblages_ntwe_2014_to_share_sawyer_crowston_wigand.pdf (327.6 KB)
Whelan, E., Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Morgan, L., & Rossi, M.. (2014). Editorial: The role of information systems in enabling open innovation. Journal Of The Association For Information Systems , 15(11).
Prestopnik, N., Crowston, K., & Wang, J.. (2014). Exploring data quality in games with a purpose. In iConference.
PDF icon gamedataquality_cameraready_4.pdf (1.55 MB)
