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Stigmergy in ACM Ubiquity

My work with James Howison and Francesco Bolici on stigmergy in software development was picked up by ACM Ubiquity:

DataONE Personas published

The DataONE Personas have been published . Each persona describes a typical user that the DataONE system might support.

NSF INSPIRE project funded

An NSF INSPIRE project on which I'm a co-PI (along with Carsten Østerlund) was just funded! The project award 15-47880, titled "INSPIRE: Teaming Citizen Science with Machine Learning to Deepen LIGO's View of the Cosmos". The project, joint with Northwestern University, Cal State Fullerton and the Adler Planetarium, will develop a novel citizen science project to classify glitches from the LIGO gravitational wave detector.

Presentation at the National Academy of Science

On 18 Sep 2015, I gave a short talk at the National Academies in a Symposium on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, in response to the chapter on virtual work.

Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence published!

The Springer has been published including an article by me on and another on
