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Malone, T. W., & Crowston, K.. (1990). What is coordination theory and how can it help design cooperative work systems? (D. Tatar, Ed.). In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (pp. 357–370).
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Crowston, K., Rubleske, J., & Howison, J.. (2006). Coordination theory: A ten-year retrospective. In P. Zhang & Galletta, D. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction in Management Information Systems (pp. 120-138). M. E. Sharpe, Inc.
PDF icon CT Review to distribute.pdf (531.4 KB)
Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., Wigand, R., & Allbritton, M.. (2003). The social embeddedness of transactions: Evidence from the residential real estate industry. The Information Society, 19(2), 135–154.
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PDF icon thesis (9.9 MB)
Crowston, K. (2008). The bug fixing process in proprietary and free/libre open source software: A coordination theory analysis. In V. Grover & Markus, L. M. (Eds.), Business Process Transformation (pp. 69-99). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
PDF icon The bug fixing process in proprietary .pdf (661.59 KB)
Crowston, K. (2003). A Taxonomy of Organizational Dependencies and Coordination Mechanisms. In T. W. Malone, Crowston, K., & Herman, G. (Eds.), Organizing Business Knowledge: The MIT Process Handbook (pp. 85-108). MIT Press.
PDF icon A Taxonomy Of Organizational Dependencies.pdf (86.31 KB)
Malone, T. W., Crowston, K., Lee, J., Pentland, B., Dellarocas, C., Wyner, G., et al.. (1999). Tools for inventing organizations: Toward a handbook of organizational processes. Management Science, 45(3), 425–443.
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Crowston, K. (1991). Modelling coordination in organizations. In M. Masuch & Massimo, G. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Organization and Management Theory (pp. 215-234). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
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Crowston, K. (2003). The evolution of high-reliability coordination mechanisms for collision avoidance. The Journal Of Information Technology Theory And Application (Jitta), 5(3), 1-29.
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Crowston, K. (1994). Evolving novel organizational forms. In K. M. Carley & Prietula, M. J. (Eds.), Computational Organization Theory (pp. 19-38). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2005). Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (115.49 KB)PDF icon Slides.pdf (942.29 KB)
Scozzi, B., Garavelli, C., & Crowston, K.. (2005). Methods for modeling and supporting innovation processes in SMEs. European Journal Of Innovation Management, 8(1), 120–137.
PDF icon Methods For Modeling.pdf (103.8 KB)
Crowston, K., & Osborn, C.. (2003). A coordination theory approach to process description and redesign. In Organizing Business Knowledge: The MIT Process Handbook.
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Bolici, F., Howison, J., & Crowston, K.. (2009). Coordination without discussion? Socio-technical congruence and Stigmergy in Free and Open Source Software projects. In 2nd International Workshop on Socio-Technical Congruence, ICSE. Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Socio-Technical Congruence, ICSE, Vancouver, Canada. Retrieved de
PDF icon Coordination without discussion? Socio-technical congruence.pdf (114.35 KB)
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Bolici, F., Howison, J., & Crowston, K.. (2016). Stigmergic coordination in FLOSS development teams: Integrating explicit and implicit mechanisms. Cognitive Systems Research, 38, 14–22.
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PDF icon Stigmergy theory paper to share.pdf (261.44 KB)
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Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2020). Impacts of the Use of Machine Learning on Work Design. In 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.
PDF icon Impacts_of_ML_for_HAI_2020.pdf (453.59 KB)
Computer-Mediated Communication
Chudoba, K. M., Watson-Manheim, M. B., Lee, C. S., & Crowston, K.. (2005). Meet Me in Cyberspace: Meetings in the Distributed Work Environment. In Academy of Management Conference, OCIS Division. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, OCIS Division, Honolulu, HI.
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Mackay, W. E., Malone, T. W., Crowston, K., Rao, R., Rosenblitt, D., & Card, S. K.. (1989). How do experienced Information Lens users use rules? (K. Bice & Lewis, C., Eds.). In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (SIGHI) (pp. 211–216).
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Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., Wigand, R., & Allbritton, M.. (2003). The social embeddedness of transactions: Evidence from the residential real estate industry. The Information Society, 19(2), 135–154.
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Chen, H., & Crowston, K.. (1997). Comparative diffusion of the telephone and the world wide web: An analysis of rates of adoption (S. Lobodzinski & Tomek, I., Eds.). In Proceedings of the WebNet `97–-World Conference of the WWW, Internet and Intranet (pp. 110–115). Toronto, Canada: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
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Crowston, K., & Kammerer, E.. (1998). Communicative style and gender differences in computer-mediated communications. In B. Ebo (Ed.), Cyberghetto or Cybertopia: Race, Class and Gender on the Internet (pp. 185–204). Praeger.
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