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Crowston, K., Malone, T. W., & Lin, F.. (1987). Cognitive science and organizational design: A case study of computer conferencing. Human Computer Interaction, 3(1), 59–85.
PDF icon Original paper.pdf (2.35 MB)
Crowston, K., Annabi, H., & Howison, J.. (2003). Defining Open Source Software project success. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon icis2003success (235.41 KB)
Crowston, K., & Shamshurin, I.. (2017). Core-periphery communication and the success of free/libre open source software projects. Journal Of Internet Services And Applications, 8(10).
PDF icon 170707 JISA final.pdf (259.01 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2005). Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (115.49 KB)PDF icon Slides.pdf (942.29 KB)
Crowston, K., & Prestopnik, N.. (2013). Motivation and data quality in a citizen science game: A design science evaluation. In Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46). Presented at the Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46), Wailea, HI.
PDF icon hicss2013citizensort_cameraready.pdf (765.39 KB)
Crowston, K., & Löbbecke, C.. (2012). Knowledge Portals: Components, Functionalities, and Deployment Challenges. In International Conference on Information Systems.
PDF icon KP to distribute.pdf (377.44 KB)
Crowston, K., & MacInnes, I.. (2001). The effects of market-enabling Internet agents on competition and prices. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 2, 1-22.
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Crowston, K., Jullien, N., & Ortega, F.. (2013). Is Wikipedia Inefficient? Modelling Effort and Participation in Wikipedia. In Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46). Retrieved de
PDF icon hicss2013_CrowstonJullienOrtegawork_revised.pdf (233.21 KB)
Crowston, K., & Wigand, R.. (1999). Real estate war in cyberspace: An emerging electronic market?. International Journal Of Electronic Markets, 9, 1–8.
PDF icon empaper (66.13 KB)
Crowston, K., & Malone, T. W.. (1988). Intelligent Software Agents. Byte, 13(13), 267–271.
PDF icon Original paper: Computational agents to support cooperative work.pdf (979.4 KB)
Crowston, K., & Kammerer, E.. (1998). Communicative style and gender differences in computer-mediated communications. In B. Ebo (Ed.), Cyberghetto or Cybertopia: Race, Class and Gender on the Internet (pp. 185–204). Praeger.
PDF icon book chapter.pdf (212.86 KB)
PDF icon Social structure of Free and Open Source Software development.pdf (506.96 KB)
Crowston, K., & Rezgui, A.. (2020). Effects of stigmergic and explicit coordination on Wikipedia article quality. In Hawai'i International Conference on System Science.
PDF icon Stigmergy_in_Wikipedia_HICSS_2020.pdf (654.41 KB)
Crowston, K., Annabi, H., Howison, J., & Masango, C.. (2005). Effective work practices for FLOSS development: A model and propositions. In Proceedings of the 38th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (141 KB)PDF icon Presentation.pdf (426.61 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2007). Self-organization of teams in free/libre open source software development. Information And Software Technology Journal: Special Issue On Understanding The Social Side Of Software Engineering, Qualitative Software Engineering Research, 49(6), 564–575.
PDF icon 060918.pdf (282.58 KB)
Crowston, K., & Kammerer, E.. (1998). Coordination and collective mind in software requirements development. Ibm Systems Journal, 37(2), 227–245.
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Crowston, K., & Osborn, C.. (2003). A coordination theory approach to process description and redesign. In Organizing Business Knowledge: The MIT Process Handbook.
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Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2020). Impacts of the Use of Machine Learning on Work Design. In 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.
PDF icon Impacts_of_ML_for_HAI_2020.pdf (453.59 KB)
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Crowston, K., & Scozzi, B.. (2006). The role of mental models in FLOSS development work practices. In Proceedings of the IFIP 2nd International Conference on Open Source Software (pp. 91-97). Lake Como, Italy, 8–9 June.
PDF icon oss2006crowstonscozzi.pdf (160.74 KB)
Crowston, K., & Qin, J.. (2011). A capability maturity model for scientific data management: Evidence from the literature. In American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting.
PDF icon 110718 CMM ASISTpaper.pdf (268.3 KB)
Crowston, K., & Fagnot, I.. (2018). Stages of motivation for contributing user-generated content: A theory and empirical test. International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies, 109, 89-101.
PDF icon crowston fagnot to distribute.pdf (3.76 MB)
Crowston, K., Mitchell, E. Michelle, & Østerlund, C.. (2018). Coordinating advanced crowd work: Extending citizen science. In Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (51st ed.).
PDF icon Quench to distribute.pdf (710.03 KB)
Crowston, K., & Qin, J.. (2010). A Capability Maturity Model for Scientific Data Management. In American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) Annual Conference.
PDF icon CMM for DM to share.pdf (257.21 KB)PDF icon 100714 ASIST Poster final.pdf (140.32 KB)
Crowston, K., Østerlund, C., Lee, T. Kyoung, Jackson, C. B., Harandi, M., Allen, S., et al.. (2020). Knowledge Tracing to Model Learning in Online Citizen Science Projects. Ieee Transactions On Learning Technologies, 13, 123-134.
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