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Sawyer, S., & Crowston, K.. (2004). Information Systems in Organizations and Society: Speculating on the Next 25 Years of Research. In Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.2 Conference on “Relevant Theory and Informed Practice: Looking Forward from a 20-year Perspective on IS Research (pp. 35-52). Manchester, UK, July.
PDF icon sawyer_future-is-research.pdf (203.49 KB)
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Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., & Wigand, R.. (2014). Digital assemblages: Evidence and theorizing from the computerization of the U.S. residential real estate industry. New Technology, Work And Employment, 29(1), 40-56.
PDF icon Real_estate_assemblages_ntwe_2014_to_share_sawyer_crowston_wigand.pdf (327.6 KB)
Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., Wigand, R., & Allbritton, M.. (2003). The social embeddedness of transactions: Evidence from the residential real estate industry. The Information Society, 19(2), 135–154.
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Saltz, J., Shamshurin, I., & Crowston, K.. (2017). Comparing data science project management methodologies via a controlled experiment. In Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50).
Saltz, J., Crowston, K., Heckman, R., & Hegde, Y.. (2020). MIDST: An enhanced development environment that improves the maintainability of a data science analysis. International Journal Of Information Systems And Project Management, 8(3).
Saltz, J., Heckman, R., Crowston, K., You, S., & Hegde, Y.. (2019). Helping data science students develop task modularity. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52).
PDF icon modularity-HICSS-final-afterReview.pdf (242.49 KB)
Rubleske, J., Crowston, K., & Kwaśnik, B. H.. (2005). Can Genre Metadata Improve Information Retrieval?. In Connections: The 10th Annual Great Lakes Information Science Conference. Presented at the Connections: The 10th Annual Great Lakes Information Science Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Rubleske, J., Crowston, K., Kwaśnik, B. H., & Chun, Y. - L.. (2007). Building a Corpus of Genre-Tagged Web Pages for an Information-Access Experiment. In Colloquium on Web Genres, Corpus Linguistics. Presented at the Colloquium on Web Genres, Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, UK.
PDF icon corpus.longabstract.revised.IV16.pdf (84.49 KB)
Roussinov, D., Crowston, K., Nilan, M., Kwaśnik, B. H., Liu, X., & Cai, J.. (2001). Genre based navigation on the Web. In Proceedings of the 34th Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS).
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PDF icon The_importance_of_initial_core_member_in_online_communities.pdf (700.97 KB)
PDF icon stigmergic-coordination-wikipedia final.pdf (1.57 MB)
PDF icon designing citizen science games.pdf (1 MB)
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Prestopnik, N., & Crowston, K.. (2011). Gaming for (citizen) science: Exploring motivation and data quality in the context of crowdsourced science through the design and evaluation of a social-computational system. In “Computing for Citizen Science” workshop at the IEEE eScience Conference. Presented at the “Computing for Citizen Science” workshop at the IEEE eScience Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. Retrieved de
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Prestopnik, N., Crowston, K., & Wang, J.. (2017). Gamers, citizen scientists, and data: Exploring participant contributions in two games with a purpose. Computers In Human Behavior, 68, 254–268.
PDF icon chb2016.pdf (3.74 MB)
Prestopnik, N., & Crowston, K.. (2012). Purposeful gaming & socio-computational systems: A citizen science design case. In Group '12 Conference. Presented at the Group '12 Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA.
PDF icon citizensort_cameraready.pdf (946.87 KB)
Prestopnik, N., & Souid, D.. (2013). Forgotten island: A story-driven citizen science adventure (W. E. Mackay, Brewster, S., & Bødker, S., Trans.). In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2643–2646).
Prestopnik, N., Crowston, K., & Wang, J.. (2014). Exploring data quality in games with a purpose. In iConference.
PDF icon gamedataquality_cameraready_4.pdf (1.55 MB)
PDF icon citizensciencesystemassemblage.pdf (74 KB)
Petridis, S., Diakopoulos, N., Crowston, K., Hansen, M., Henderson, K., Jastrzebski, S., et al.. (2023). AngleKindling: Supporting Journalistic Angle Ideation with Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
